During the late summer, Swedes celebrate “Surstrommingspremiar” (Surstromming Day). This is a special event where they celebrate the Swedish surstromming. Surstromming is a traditional Swedish delicacy. It’s a salty herring that’s been fermented. The name “surstromming” comes from the word “sour” in Swedish. In fact, the smell of this fermented herring can be so powerful that it can get into your head.
The smell of the fermented herring is a result of the lactic acid bacteria that’s responsible for the process of fermentation. The bacteria produces hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide, which produces the smell of rotten eggs. However, surstromming is safe to eat. The National Food Agency of Sweden has tested it and has confirmed that there are no food pathogens in it.
In Sweden, it is a popular delicacy. It’s often served in sandwiches or as a filling for sandwiches. It can be eaten with sour cream or butter, along with potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. It’s also served with a shot of aquavit, a caraway-flavored spirit. Sometimes, milk is also served alongside it.
The taste of surstromming depends on how it is prepared. Some Swedes like to eat it whole, while others like to eat it wrapped in soft tunnbrod. If you eat it whole, be sure to prepare it properly. Normally, the backbone and skin of the fish are removed before you eat it.
In some cases, you may have to wear gloves when you open the can. This is because of the strong smell that the can gives off. However, you can reduce the smell by opening it under water. You may also want to keep the can away from your dining table. Some Swedes recommend taking a big whiff of the can before opening it.
Surstromming is fermented in a salty brine for up to two months. After that, the herring is put into a weaker salt solution for several weeks. This helps to keep the herring from rotting. The salt content in the brine also suppresses the growth of pathogens. In addition, it helps to produce butyric acid, which produces a rancid flavor. The acidity of the herring is one of the reasons why it’s such a popular food.
Surstromming is often served with a sandwich called a “surstrommingsklamma.” This is a sandwich made from sour cream, butter, and potatoes. Some Swedes also like to add fresh dill or chives. Other recipes include adding red onion and sour cream.
In Sweden, the surstromming season starts in August. Traditionally, the premiere of surstromming is held on the third Thursday of August. However, producers still hold back on this date so that they can ensure that the herrings are properly fermented. This means that the premiere is not a very popular time for surstromming.
Some people say that it’s difficult to enjoy the taste of surstromming if you’re a beginner. However, there are plenty of recipes online that will teach you how to eat it. You can even find a video that’s made by a Swedish surstromming expert. In any case, it’s a good idea to prepare the fish as you would with any other fish. You’ll also want to store the fish in a cool place.
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